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Legal Information / Company Profile
Partnership of Law
Heitmann Schubert Nickelsen
Langenstraße 53
28195 Bremen
Company Constituted Under Civil Law
Stefan Schubert
Dierk A. Nickelsen LL.M
Tax Number.: 11 73 523 35201 57
VAT Number: DE 215 913 060
Competent Supervisory Authority:
Hanseatische Rechtsanwaltskammer Bremen
Knochenhauerstr. 36/37
28195 Bremen
Tel.: 0421/168970 Fax: 0421/1689720
Lawyers adopt the following rules of professional practice:
- Rules of Professional Practice and Code of Conduct for Lawyers (Lawyer’s Act)
- Professional Code for Specialist Lawyers
- Federal Code for the Legal Profession
- Federal Scale of Fees for Lawyers
- Remuneration Law for Lawyers
- Professional Rules for Lawyers in the EC
More details to these regulations can be found on the website of the German Federal Bar Association
Responsible Liability Insurance for Lawyers according to the Disclosure Regulation for Rendering of Services
HDI Versicherung AG
HDI-Platz 1
30659 Hannnover
„According to the Federal Code for the Legal Profession lawyers are committed to maintain a professional liability insurance with a minimum insured amount of 250.000 EUR. The details are contained in §51 BRAO (Federal Lawyer’s Act)
Disclaimer of Liability
The content on these sites are for general information only and do not justify further obligations. Any liability for the accuracy and reproduction of the contents is excluded.
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Responsible according to § 10 paragraph 3 of the German Media Services Treaty (MDStV) Lawyer Stefan Schubert (see address above)
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